Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hello everyone! I was just thinking about CA and our Karaoke sushi nights. I miss you girls and I hope all is going well with you. Things are good here. Nothing much is new. I am not loving my job but I am sticking with it and casually applying for others. My journey to lose weight is forever looming over my head although lately I think my mind has shifted into a more "lifestyle changes" as opposed to "diet' mentality. Our Thanksgiving was quiet and spent with a friend from church. I went black firiday shopping with her and our other mutual friend and found some fantastic deals. After two years I think I can finally say that "I have friends in WI" even if it is only two. They are good ones to have. It's different though being married. We do not hang out often. I guess it makes it more valuable when we do. John has started going to church with me again although it is only for 1 hr. Also, some of the members make me crazy at times. When I attend with him I am a lot more focused on the doctrinal aspects being shared as opposed to "it feels nice". Unfortunately, we have a lot that don't share much of that. I suppose I of all should not criticize given that I myself am always learning new things. We are going to Utah for Christmas. We will be driving out. There are some of my family members that have never even met John. I am excited to see the fam.  How are all of you doing? What is new in your lives? Rachel-I wanted to say that I appreciated your last post. When I originally read it I was having computer problems so it would not let me post a comment but I appreciated it nonetheless. Love Maeg


  1. Maegan, Ive been thinking about you alot lately. I have a friend named Pascale Fabiani who reminds me a ton of you. I miss your face and I am glad your doing well. We need to talk sometime. I need to post another update because things have changed since my last one.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you're making friends! It's better two have 2 good friends than a bunch of good acquaintances.
    So here is an update on me. I am finally, FINALLY going to graduate...I'm doing well in class and there is no reason why I shouldn't pass so I guess I should rephrase that to: God willing; I will FINALLY graduate this semester! Anyway I started making jewelry and I trying to sell it online at My shop is called MacKellys. It's an amalgamation of my sister's last name (McKinney) and mine to honor her for teaching me how to make jewelry while I was in South Carolina. The jewelry is not selling though which is why I am working on selling through Amazon. They have a crazy amount of rules so hopefully as soon as school is out I can work on meeting all of their requirements for selling. The job front has not been good for me these past few months, but my luck might be turning around. I got called to take a test to be a library assistant for The State Center Community College District. I won't find out until Thursday if I did well enough on the test to get an interview, but we shall see. Keep me in your prayers! I miss you Maegan and I really hope you can go on the cruise with us in May! Thanks for keeping us up to date. Love you!
