Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hey Ladies!!!

Oh my goodnesssssss!!!!! I didn't realize you ladies were still posting on this thing! I am pleasantly surprised though that you are!

Well here is a little update about my life. I went on Jenny Craig 9 weeks ago with my dad because after seeing all my pictures from EFY I was shocked at seeing how big I had become. I was tired of not being able to run with out cough up a lung. I felt very lethargic all the time. Also my mom tore her meniscus and has great trouble now with walking, sitting, getting up, driving, stairs and it had a real effect on me. I don't want to be experiencing the same physical handicaps as my mother has when I'm her age. At 65 I still wanna go on hikes and camping with my family and enjoying an active life. My mom can no longer participate in these things because of her physical state. So both of these things gave me the motivation to lose weight. I've lost 20 pound now as of today when I weighed in. I'm feeling great! I know I still don't look too much skinnier but I can now run a mile and a half with out my chest hurting. I go to the Gym about 6 times a week and its become one of my favorite activities of my day. It amazes me how quickly the body can adapt to new physical restraints put on it. My goal is to lose another 40 pounds by my 25th birthday and I'm on track for that. This has been a great experience for me because as I've learned self control of my dietary intake it has helped me learn self mastery in other areas of my life.

I have NO clue what I'm going to do about school and that's all I'm going to say about that.

I met a wonderful Guy!!! Whose name is Guy! He's a super cute, kinda short, and skinny. We dated for a week and then due to unexpected circumstances we are now friends who like each other. He is my strength. He's my best friend. I strive every day to be the best person I can so I can keep up with his diligence. He is a convert of 7 months. He sings, dances, plays 5 instruments, is super duper smart and is just plan fantastic. I wish you all could meet him. He has one year of school left and then he's planning on serving a mission. So I don't know were we are headed but I'm hopeful. I'll keep you updated.

I just want to bear my testimony of the strength that comes from reading your scriptures daily and praying vocally. I have seen a dramatic increase in the quality of my life since I began 2 or 3 months ago at making these simple thing a priority in my life. I feel like I have gained added strength in overcoming my challenges and trials. I feel like my faith has increased also.

I also got released from the Relief Society Presidency and got called to be the RS 3rd Sunday teacher and it is the best calling EVER!!! I love teaching and Heavenly Father has really blessed my skills and abilities while I've been in this calling. I am also the unofficial Gospel Principals teacher right now and I love it too. I lOOOOVEEE teaching.

Welp... That the jest of my life this past summer! I love you all and miss you! take care!

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