Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello out there!

Hey girls! I just wanted to check in and see how everything is going! I miss you girls! I just want to let you know that I was invited to girls camp this year! I get to be the "craft lady". I am so pumped about this!

Not much is going on here. I have settled in from my trip and I am back to work. The highlight of my week was definately conference last weekend. John watched it with me and we ate jelly beans and potstickers. I have come to a conclusion. I know this will sound simple but to me it's a rather profound thing. I am not married in the temple. I may not have the opportunity to take out my endowments for a long time due to my choice to marry outside of the covenant. Despite these things I need to prepare to go to the temple. I have been slacking on the small things like scriptures and prayers. In my mind I keep thinking that the temple is sooooo far away for me since I have married someone who is not a member but I need to be living the details of the gospel daily so that any given day I can say that I am worthy. I also realized that our gospel is unique about the way we view trials and although I celebrate this concept, I do not always ACT like I believe it by my daily actions. I have become so negative about my job in such a short time. Really. It's harder on me than I was expecting. I want it to be easier so bad. I want to find a job that is easier. Instead of being grateful for the opportunity to be a stronger rehab counselor, I am looking for a pass. I have been doing this with a lot of things lately.

Sorry for the ramblings. A lot has been on my mind. This weekend I was also thinking that because I don't work or live with members of the church and I only have one friend out here who is a member, I rarely have the opportunity to talk about the gospel with anyone. I miss the opportunities that I had with each of you to be strengthened and uplifted by your examples. I miss the inspiration that came from your words and actions. You are my sisters and I miss your influences.

I hope all is well.

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